Thornton Hall - Alisha & Mark
Another new church and another new venue - Alisha & Mark's Wedding took place on the Wirral, flitting between Thornton Hall Hotel and Christ Church at Port Sunlight. One of the great things about my job is that I'm always working at new venues enabling me to discover new places. So I have now created a huge list of places that I can visit with my wife and baby, on a day off.

Alisha and her huge Bridal Party prepared for the day at Thornton Hall Hotel, in the impressive 'Bridal Dressing Room'. With there being so many people and so much going on, it was a good opportunity to use my Wide Angle 14-24mm SIGMA f2.8 Art Lens, to capture as much as possible in the frame.

Inside the venue itself are plenty of beautiful locations to photograph the dress and shoes I went all out, before disappearing to the Church in the beautiful Port Sunlight.
You've got to love Alisha's dress and Jimmy Choo's!!!

At Port Sunlight, the sun was shining and it was VERY hot. Fortunately the church is next to a pub :-) which is doubly useful as you'd need the extra liquid in your system with the aisle being so long.

Once the guests had all dispersed in the direction of Thornton Hall Hotel for the Drinks reception, the new Mr & Mrs Brick, joined me in the centre of Port Sunlight for some photo's, near the iconic bridge, before departing ourselves.

In all fairness to Alisha & Mark, they planned a lot for this wedding. There was so much attention to detail, especially at the Reception. Here are some examples, which is also evident during the 'Speeches' photo's, which doesn't even show the Photo Booth, Sweet Cart, Casino Tables, Band, Krispy Kreme Donut 'favours', Miniature spirit bottle 'favours' etc. etc.

These photo's show exactly the emotion of the entire day. There was constant laughter throughout, which is a joy for me to capture. Then, onto the Evening Reception and the party escalated to 'full flow'!

I wish both Alisha & Mark a lifetime of happiness together. I loved capturing their day with great friends and family.

If you know of anyone that might be getting married at the Thornton Hall Hotel or anywhere else in the world, and are in need of a wedding photographer to capture their day, please spread the word.
Photographer: Nathan Roberts - NR Imagery
Location: Thornton Hall Hotel
Ceremony: Christ Church at Port Sunlight
Make Up - Michelle Christian Make Up
Hair - Dee Creations
Wedding Bus & Car: Keyhole Motors